Saturday, April 09, 2005

Laser Wheel 3d space video game

Don't know if I have already pointed to this marvellous flash game. Simple dynamics, fast and no graphics to speak of. Retro style space shooting. I absolutely love it.


Sujith said...

neat...and very very addictive :)

brij said...

I guess we like it becuase we used to njoy playing in the days of the Atari, Spectrum and Commodore:) Remember those days in the librrary when we used to read up all the comp books, you, me and Sambhuddho:)

Sujith said...

ooh yeah!
reading up programs for Commodore-64 or Spectrum-ZX and then porting it to the Atari-65XE.
In one of my (desperate) interviews in 1998-99, I blurted out that I had done porting way back in 7th std. and gave the above example. I was shocked when the idiots laughed and made a joke of it.

In retrospect, not such a smart thing to do while appearing for a VC++ interview in a small firm. But in reality, it was some real cool programming. I still have the charts mapping the graphics and sounds PEEK/POKE instructions for the 3 m/cs ! :)

brij said...

I think you are right when you call them idiots. Any damn idiot can code in VC++ - PEEk/POKE days were quite different. Learning only form old books and ever worried that you would blow up somehting that was quite costly for that time is quite a difficult think. The main reason why i think you are a good hacker. The only person who could beat you at the hacking game would be good old deepak:)
Sambhuddho, you and Nanda did inspire me a lot during those days.