Thursday, August 03, 2006

Imagining the Tenth Dimension - A Book by Rob Bryanton

As usual two pea-brained 11th and 12th dimension denizens were bickering over rocket science (for a 11th dimension denizen rocket science should be the equivalent of an electrons fart for us). I just thought the link I am posting may help give some understanding to the more ordinary among us:)

[Thanks to Chris Pirillo for the link]


Venky said...

That was a great post dude ... and to think of it I was just messing around earlier - this stuff is pretty cool.

raoul said...

Nice link. But a bit dated.

The major problem with the old 'ten-dimensional universe' string theory was that there were five different versions of it, all slightly inconsistent with each other -- leading to five different manifestations of the same universe. To reconcile these differences, physicists have come up with the notion of m-theory, thus introducing the eleventh dimension I speak of. According to m-theory, the ten-dimensional 'points' (described in the flash animation) are actually explained as (infinitely many) flat, oscillating branes floating around in the 11th dimension.

When two such branes collide, an enormous amount of energy is generated. One such collision is theorized to have caused the big-bang. And since there are infinitely many branes, leading to infinitely many possible collisions, there might be infinitely many universes in the multiverse, each with its own big-bang origin. As for gravitons (or other sub-atomic particles) leaking out of branes is concerned, am not really sure how that works, but suspect it has something to do with the 'weakness' of the gravitational force.

I would recommend Michael Greene's "The Elegant Universe" as a good book to learn more about m-theory. A three-part documentary based on the book can be found here.

ps: As for the 12th dimension, it is not supported by any of the theories as yet (again am not sure why).