Monday, June 19, 2006

Google videos watched this weekend

The first video I watched was really really sick - I mean absolutely obnoxious - BIG WARNING - Do NOT Watch - the video is called PepsiGirl-Super Burp

Mario-Live - A MUST WATCh. The LIVE in the title does not refer to online(as in XBOX Live) Instead it actual means what it says - Live as in Alive. Check it out. Full marks for imagination and effort. Reminds one of the Ping Pong Matrix.

Football Skills One more compilation of football - well worth a watch in the present World Cup context.

Another MUST WATCH - a comedian showing dance styles froms th e60's to recent times - The Evolution of Dance

And finally got the chance to watch the trailer of The Inconvenient Truth.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The mathematics behind tying the knot around your neck

No no no calm down - you will not find the logic behind the institution of marriage here:)
This is the mathematics behind tying the necktie.
For another interesting site on the same business hop over to:

Theory of tie knots

And to just learn:

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The science of World Cup soccer

A really cool article within the World Cup context.

Thanks to Sibin for pointing out a link to Wired:Elsewhere.

A Ring Tone Meant to Fall on Deaf Ears

Now this is just too cool:) If this leads to younger teachers I would not mind reattending school ;P